
Why Become a Football Official?

If you have played football at any level, you probably already have that special place in your heart for the game. What could be a better way for you to stay involved and give back to the schools and community?

We will provide the training and guidance needed for you to learn the rules and the skills required to become a football official. Training consists of both classroom and on-field sessions and begins in mid-July to prepare for the fall season. Assistance is available, if needed, to help in acquiring uniforms and the necessary equipment.

Ladies we welcome your participation too. No reason that guys should have all the fun, come and join us.

How do you get started?

Get in touch with the Whatcom-Skagit-Island Football Officials Association using the link below and JOIN TODAY. We will be in touch with you about meetings and provide you answers to any other questions you may have.

To better see what a Friday night under the lights is like, check out this short film.


Football Rules Changes – 2018

1-5-4, 1-5-5, 3-5-10e (NEW) 3-6-2, 9-9: Improperly equipped player shall be replaced for at least one down. Rationale: Prior to the game, the head coach is responsible for verifying that the players are legally equipped and will not use illegal equipment. The penalty for a player who is not properly equipped has changed from a distance penalty […]

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